Collection: やのや / YANOYA





2021年 “娯楽絵" GALLERY&CAFE CAMELISH (東京)

2020年 "ART CLOUD TOKYO Vol.2“ デザインフェスタギャラリー原宿 (原宿)
2022年 “IAG AWARDS 2022 EXHIBITION”東京芸術劇場 (池袋)
2022年 “台北插畫藝術節” (台北)
2022年 “A4 gallery” (台北)

YANOYA, the artist, strives to express the beauty of imperfection and the essence of humanity through his captivating paintings. Rather than pursuing perfection, he embraces the flaws and incompleteness, resulting in a distinct charm that captivates art enthusiasts and collectors. With a combination of acrylic paints and markers, YANOYA employs unconventional techniques such as unconventional composition, brushstroke variations, intentional smudges, scratches, and rough lines, showcasing imperfection as a form of beauty itself. His artworks exude a relaxed and whimsical atmosphere, offering viewers a sense of wonder and connection. Explore YANOYA's art to discover new possibilities and aesthetics in contemporary art.

Expressing a loose world view by interweaving the expression method of manga and graffiti with game-like elements

Born in Hachioji, Tokyo. Living in Tokyo.
Graduated from Setsu Mode Seminar.

2020:  "ART CLOUD TOKYO Vol.2" Design Festa Gallery Harajuku(Tokyo)
2021:  "Entertainment picture" GALLERY & CAFE CAMELISH(Tokyo)
2022:  "IAG AWARDS 2022 EXHIBITION" Tokyo Metropolitan Theater(Tokyo)
2022: "Taipei Illustration Art Festival" (Taipei)
2022: "A4 Gallery" (Taipei)


YANOYA 是一位藝術家,透過引人入勝的繪畫作品,試圖表達出不完美的美感和人性的本質。他不追求完美,而是接受瑕疵和不完整之處,因而展現出與眾不同的魅力,吸引藝術愛好者和收藏家。 YANOYA 使用壓克力顏料和記號筆相結合的方式,運用非傳統的技法,如非對稱的構圖、筆觸的變化、故意的污漬、刮痕和粗線條,展示了不完美作為一種美的形式。他的作品散發出輕鬆而奇幻的氛圍,為觀眾帶來一種驚奇和共鳴的感受。探索YANOYA的藝術,發現當代藝術中的新可能性和美學。


YANOYA 是一位艺术家,透过他引人入胜的绘画作品,试图表达出不完美的美感和人性的本质。他不追求完美,而是接受瑕疵和不完整之处,因而展现出与众不同的魅力,吸引艺术爱好者和收藏家。 YANOYA 使用丙烯颜料和记号笔相结合的方式,运用非传统的技法,如非对称的构图、笔触的变化、故意的污渍、刮痕和粗线条,展示了不完美作为一种美的形式。他的作品散发着轻松而奇幻的氛围,为观众带来一种惊奇和共鸣的感受。探索YANOYA的艺术,发现当代艺术中的新可能性和美学。


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