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オリジナルアクリルパネル kawakita atsushi

定價 ¥11,000 JPY
定價 售價 ¥11,000 JPY
銷售額 售罄

kawakita atsushi



1977年、三重県松阪市生まれ。 海の幸、山の幸に恵まれた街で、三度の飯よりスケボーが好きという、スケボー三昧の少年時代を過ごす。DJ、楽曲製作などストリートカルチャーに魅了される中、20代30代とオリジナリティーを生み出す自己表現の追求に悩み苦しんでいた。 転機が訪れたのが39歳。子供の誕生日に絵本を贈ろうと考え、独学で絵を描き始める。 道を照らしてくれた心の師は、エリックカール、レオ・レオニ、岡本太郎。 42歳の時に手描きとデジタルを融合させたハイブリッドアートを見つけ、作品制作に没頭。 43歳でアート活動開始。三重、大阪、東京で個展、グループ展、アートフェアに出展し、45歳でモナコ、香港で展示。 テーマはDREAMS COME TRUE。 夢とは見るものじゃなく掴みに行く事だと信じる。溢れ出す自身の情熱、輝き、喜怒哀楽を、自身の代表的なモチーフとして、人とバイクに置き換えて表現している。 また、surprise & sparkをコンセプトに、 小さな火花でも誰かの小さなきっかけとなり、笑顔と笑い声になれば人はハッピーになれると信じる。 僕にとってアートとは人の活力を動かす力。



Born in 1977 in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture, surrounded by the blessings of both sea and mountain, I spent my childhood fully immersed in skateboarding, my passion surpassing even my love for food. Throughout my 20s and 30s, I struggled with the pursuit of originality in self-expression, drawn to street culture through DJing and music production. At age 39, a turning point came when I decided to create a picture book for my child’s birthday, prompting me to start painting as a self-taught artist. My guiding inspirations were Eric Carle, Leo Lionni, and Taro Okamoto.

At age 42, I discovered hybrid art, blending hand-drawing and digital techniques, which I became completely absorbed in. A year later, I officially began my art career, exhibiting in solo and group shows as well as art fairs across Mie, Osaka, and Tokyo. By age 45, my work had reached international stages, with exhibitions in Monaco and Hong Kong. My central theme is "DREAMS COME TRUE," as I believe that dreams are not just something to be seen but something to be pursued.

Overflowing with passion, I express my emotions—joy, anger, sadness, and happiness—through my signature motifs of people and motorcycles. Guided by the concept of "surprise & spark," I believe that even a small spark can ignite someone's inspiration, bringing smiles and laughter, and ultimately happiness. For me, art is the power that drives human vitality.







- A1サイズ 841mm × 594mm 77,000JPY(税込)
- A2サイズ   420mm×594mm  44,000JPY(税込)
- A3サイズ   297mm×420mm    22,000JPY(税込)
- A4サイズ   210mm × 297mm  11,000JPY(税込)

Production and shipping will take place from December to mid-December. Thank you for your understanding.

The prices listed on this page are for A4 size. If you would like a size larger than A4, please indicate this in the comments section. For confirmation, we will send you an email from A4JAPAN before your purchase. Please ensure your mail settings allow for incoming emails.

- A1 Size: 841mm × 594mm - 77,000 JPY (tax included)

- A2 Size: 420mm × 594mm - 44,000 JPY (tax included)

- A3 Size: 297mm × 420mm - 22,000 JPY (tax included)

- A4 Size: 210mm × 297mm - 11,000 JPY (tax included)



