1979年 鹿児島県生まれ。愛知県在住。
2020年 IndependentTokyo2020
2021年 銀座Galley Art point VISIONS幻影展
IndependentTokyo2021 (特別賞、審査員特別賞)
2022年 TRiCERA Museum
2023年 台湾 A4 taipei gallery にて個展
Influenced by manga, anime, and subculture, I project my subjective view onto the gray world and characters, visualizing them.
Born in 1979 in Kagoshima Prefecture, currently residing in Aichi Prefecture.
2020: Independent Tokyo 2020
2021: Ginza Gallery Art Point - VISIONS Phantom Exhibition
Independent Tokyo 2021 (Special Award, Jury's Special Award)
ORIGINAL SHIT GALLERY FEEL LIKE FREE Exhibition (100 Artists, 10 Works)
2022: TRiCERA Museum
BLACK & WHITE Exhibition
2023: Solo Exhibition at A4 Taipei Gallery, Taiwan
KAMEKO KAMEO's artistic journey is deeply influenced by the nuances of everyday life and Japanese subcultures, with a distinct blend of anime and manga aesthetics. His artwork resonates a unique narrative that effortlessly bridges the gap between fine arts and pop culture. Straddling between reality and fiction, joy and sorrow, KAMEKO's art often depicts a distinctive dichotomy that intrigues the viewer, prompting them to delve deeper into the underlying themes and emotions.
Every his creation is an exploration of the 'branching points' in life, the moments of decision that can drastically alter one's trajectory. His work mirrors this concept in that each piece can stand alone yet also intersects and intertwines with the others, creating a multifaceted and dynamic body of artwork.
Through his pieces, KAMEKO shares his passion, curiosity, and observations of life and the human condition. His bold, striking visuals paired with a soft, endearing appeal create an overwhelming charm that draws in a vast and diverse audience. From art collectors to celebrities, from Asia to Europe, his art speaks a universal language that is deeply relatable, unpretentious, and enchanting.
In an age where art increasingly resides in the digital domain, KAMEKO KAMEO's work shines with a high quality and individuality that possesses a special allure. His pieces are widely shared across social media, illustrating the irresistible magnetism of his art even in a digital space.
KAMEKO KAMEO(カメ子カメ男)的創作風格源於漫畫和動畫的表現方式,並以現代藝術形式呈現。他的作品憑藉其獨特的風格和主題吸引眾人注意。從小時候起,就熟悉並熱愛著動漫、漫畫、次文化及日常生活中的經歷,這些經驗成為了他作品風格和主題的靈感來源。他的作品以直觀的方式創作,每天的經歷和內心感受都會反映在作品的氛圍中,使用數位工具進行下畫,然後將其複製到紙上,或使用投影儀將其投影到畫布上進行下畫。隨後,他會使用蒙版技法,在畫布上用丙烯顏料繪畫。他在創作過程中嘗試各種工具,如噴槍、筆、刷子和滾筒,以實驗性的方式進行創作,沒有特別偏好的創作工具,而是更注重創造獨特的混合風格。 他的作品不僅在日本,在亞洲和歐洲等世界各地也廣受歡迎。最近,他在A4畫廊展示的作品吸引了80多位意願者競標;在日本的拍賣會交易,他的作品僅在數個月內價格就上漲了4倍以上,引起廣泛關注。此外,他還計劃在巴黎舉辦個展,力求取得更大的成功。而KAMEKO KAMEO的首次個展將在台北的A4畫廊舉行,引起了藝術界的廣泛關注,他的作品具有在社交媒體上引發熱議的潛力,在線上被廣泛分享。這證明了他的獨特魅力不僅受到日本和亞洲藝術收藏家的喜愛,還吸引了眾多知名人士和網路紅人的追隨。他的作品旨在透過瞬間體驗「分岐點」的概念,獲得了高度評價。在數位時代的藝術界中,他的作品展現出卓越的品質和獨特性,具有特殊的影響力和魅力。